mandag 29. juli 2013

Mural, mural on the wall...

For the last week I've been working on a mural at the autonomous social centre BLITZ, in Oslo. I'm planning on covering a bigger area but five permanent graffiti markers and several litres of paint later; this is what we ended up with and I'm pretty satisfied. More shoots coming up! These will also be uploaded in a new section in the gallery when I manage to come up with a name for it. It's the first time I worked with a this wide canvas and I can see that I need more practice in focus and patience since the only part I'm not happy with is the buildings.


A while ago, I found this really great online/paper zine/collective called CREATE//RESIST, consisting of european punk and hc artists from all over the place. Last week I asked to join the next issue and I got a invite today. This will be the first paperzine I'll be in besides from my shitty KAPTEIN ATOMKRAFT comics that were in PSYKOSE and GATEAVISA a while back.  I'm really looking forward to collaborating with the collective and hope people will be following the issues! Also, there are tons of great artists in the collective way better than me. Ch-ch-check   it out.

søndag 14. juli 2013

Real junk food

Let's just make one thing perfectly fucking clear! There are very few things I love more than vegan food, anti-capitalism and fanzines! So my P.C DIY Boner grew to unknown proportions when I was invited to the graphics for upcomin' Food Not Bombs zine, "Mat Mot Makta" (Food against the Power). I engage in food not bombs in Oslo as often as I can and has been for the past four years. It was lots of fun doing it in this comic book cover style since it's a lot cleaner and less psychotic than my general stuff... Maybe I'll do more of it. Made with the regular tools of the trade (fillables and pencils). I think I even may try copying it and splashing on some colour later! Not for the official cover but I might press it up as posters as well! Enjoy!

torsdag 11. juli 2013

Luft, vann og ANTIPROG

My girlfriend came over with some stuff I did in 2012 and earlier this year today. 
Nr 1 is the first draft for the flyhead I got on my should tattooed by Fercha Pombo.
I'm not usually so good with patterns but I'm very happy with the outcome of this one. 
The other one is from the time when I wrote unused lyrics for Jenkem in drawings... 
Will be added to the ink and rough sections!!


torsdag 4. juli 2013


I tried out my tattoo machine the other day and with no further notice I got hooked. I'm working on a design for my neighbour. It's also the first time I tried to draw robots. (No, seriously...)
I think it's out of my reach but within half a years time I will have put this onto skin.